The site www.jianfei.net has some english dictionary words in its hostname. The most recent attempt by our crawler to fetch the root page was successful. The site is hosted on multiple IP addresses, in a single C class range, and there are thousands of other sites hosted on these IPs, such as 1713.3199.cn, txp1268.haodf.com, and 262.s21i.faidns.com. The parent domain jianfei.net has a small number of sites associated with it, for example, s.jianfei.net. |
Web dictionary words in site hostname:
Last load HTTP status:
IPs this site is hosted on:
- (27,278 sites on IP)
- (27,210 sites on IP)
- (27,283 sites on IP)
- (27,272 sites on IP)
Parent domain of this site:
Name servers of this site:
- f1g1ns1.dnspod.net (3,989,914 sites on name server)
- f1g1ns2.dnspod.net (3,989,186 sites on name server)
Anchor text pointing to this site:
- 12式减肥瑜伽
- 9个饮食方法让你每天瘦一斤....................................
- jianfei
- 产后减肥
- 吃土豆既抗老又瘦身
- 冬季减肥男女
- 更多
- 黑咖啡减肥法
- 红薯减肥法月瘦8斤
- 减肥方法
- 减肥男女
- 减肥食谱
- 减肥瘦身
- 健康减肥方法
- 六式瑜伽能瘦身美体提高气质...................................
- 柠檬水减肥法
- 山楂菊花茶减肥轻身
- 瘦身排毒必吃8种食物
- 水果蔬菜沙拉助减肥
- 速效瘦身水助你减赘肉
- 酸奶减肥法三日瘦六斤
- 夏天减肥的六种美食
- 怎样减肥
- 鍋ュ悍鍑忚偉
- 鍐鍑忚偉
There are too many items to display in this summary; click here to view all 31 anchor text items.
Referers directly linking to pages on this site:
- http://1122.com/
- http://51ss.net/
- http://520soso.com/
- http://8084.org/
- http://88.sx.cn/
- http://9174.com/
- http://bbs.zhuangpin.com/
- http://body.onlylady.com/
- http://cafearoma.com.cn/
- http://cgan.com/
- http://cgan.org/
- http://fitness.yxlady.com/
- http://h4.com.cn/
- http://hao.rising.cn/
- http://jp38.com/
- http://life.vsuch.com/
- http://liugege.com/
- http://meiti.meinv.cn/
- http://qinzi.71lady.com/
- http://qulequle.com/
- http://sx80.com/
- http://ungedcc.com/
- http://vjie.com/
- http://vohakka.com/
- http://wanzhuye.com/
There are too many items to display in this summary; click here to view all 83 referers.