The site has mostly english words in its hostname. The most recent attempt by our crawler to fetch the root page was successful.
Web dictionary words in site hostname:
No matches found.
Last load HTTP status:
200 (OK)
Parent domain of this site:
No data currently available.
Name servers of this site:
No data currently available.
Anchor text pointing to this site:
"همه چيز در مورد بازي ها"
جديدترين بازي ها و كدتقلب
جدیدترین بازی ها و كدتقلب
همه چيز در مورد بازي ها
همه چيز در مورد بازي ها(برمير هم تو اين وبلاگه يعني من كه اين لينك رو فرستادم)