

Profile for site: beifang.net

The site beifang.net has mostly english words in its hostname. The most recent attempt by our crawler to fetch the root page was successful. The site is hosted on a single IP address,, and there are several other sites hosted on this IP, such as www.beifang.net, bbs.xiuche.com, and www.xiuche.com. The parent domain beifang.net has several other sites associated with it, for example, lz.beifang.net, cs.beifang.net, and wh.beifang.net.

Web dictionary words in site hostname:

  •   No matches found.

Last load HTTP status:

  •   200 (OK)

IP this site is hosted on:

  1. (8 sites on IP)

Parent domain of this site:

Name servers of this site:

  1.   dns7.hichina.com (321,930 sites on name server)
  2.   dns8.hichina.com (321,672 sites on name server)

Anchor text pointing to this site:

  1.   不同视角探究汽车行情
  2.   引领汽车新趋势 导航车市大未来
  3.   抢先体验未来汽车发展
  4.   观车市动态解汽车奥秘
  5.   视频教学汽车安全防护

Referers directly linking to pages on this site:

  1.   http://changshabf.com/
  2.   http://handanbf.com/
  3.   http://nanchangbf.com/
  4.   http://nanningbf.com/
  5.   http://www.nanningbf.com/


There is also data available for www.beifang.net


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