Displaying items 1 to 52, out of a total of 52
- "friends of science"
- al gore está errado sobre o dióxido de carbono
- albert f. jacobs if "kyoto" is so flawed, why do so many scientists and politicians ...
- amis de la science (et donc sceptiques)
- antigamente era bem mais quente do que hoje em dia
- author
- bibliography of peer-reviewed climate science papers/a>, critical of the ipcc's politicized version of the science. a brief annotated version listing of papers by subject category
- canadian scientists views on global warming
- climate change science
- climate gate - 2.0
- completed a presentation
- et pour les anglophones, voici une
- excellente présentation en anglais de pieter ziegler
- exposing global warming myth
- figure 1
- figure 2
- figure 3
- figure 4
- figure 5
- figure 6
- figure 7
- figure 8
- friends of science
- friends of science (canada)
- friends of science.org
- friends of science: providing insight into earth science
- friends of sience
- friendsofscience.org
- geophysical submission to the alberta legislature on global temperatures
- gráfico mostrando que a terra está esfriando
- gráfico mostrando que o sol que é o vilão
- here.
- hrakspár um loftslagsbreytingar afturkallaðar
- http://www.friendsofscience.org
- http://www.friendsofscience.org/
- http://www.friendsofscience.org/index.php
- http://www.friendsofscience.org/index.php?id=483
- http://www.friendsofscience.org/index.php?ide=3
- http://www.friendsofscience.org/index.php?ide=4
- ken gregory
- ken gregory of alberta, canada: "climate change science" (regular updates). (new - excellent science)
- knock, knock: where is the evidence for dangerous human-caused global warming? (carter)
- link
- pdf presentation here
- phony climate change crisis
- slides
- slides for moncton's talk
- stewart dimmock british high court ruling on an inconvenient truth
- the friends of science society website
- the global warming debate: a review of the state of science
- www.friendsofscience.org
End of list.